If you would like to contact us by telephone, we are available weekdays from 9am-5pm EAT (UTC+3)
Beatrice Achieng Nas, Executive Director: +256 703 353562 | +256 703 353567
You may reach us by mail at:
P.O. Box 901896, Jinja, Uganda
If you are near our headquarters in Jinja, you may visit us at:
Block Road 3, Buwenda Mataala,
Buwenda, Jinja, Uganda
Here is a close-up of our campus showing the locations of Titan Schools of East Africa Jinja Nursery and Primary School, as well as Karen’s Kitchen Bakery.

In Tororo, we are located at Amor-Kisoko, 700m (0.4 mi) west of Kisoko High School, Nagongera Road.