February 2024 Update

Dear Our Supporters and Friends,

One month ago, I sent an email about our urgent need for a classroom block in Portland High School, Amor Village.

We needed 58,612,000 UGX (USD $15,424) for slab construction works, windows and doors and plumbing works in A-Level Science laboratory classroom. I am Happy to tell you that we are NEAR to the accomplishment of this project!

These classrooms are must-have for certification by the Uganda National Examinations Board and the Ministry of Education and Sports as inspections will be done towards end of March 2024 – to verify if we have enough classrooms and an Advanced level (A-Level) laboratory, to qualify as a National Examinations Center for the Advanced level of study.

Last year only the Ordinary (O-Level) received the National Examination Sitting Center because we could not afford classrooms necessary for the A-Level registration.

From February 1st to 29, 2024, we received and put to use donations from;

  • Citizen Sigmund $19 
  • Coleen Sullivan $980  ⁠
  • John Nordell $25
  • Natasha Sigmund $24
  • Nina Hahn $100  ⁠
  • Sallie Dunning $100
  • Sumru Erkut $587
  • Susan Getz $100  ⁠
  • Ted and Lindsey Copeland $480  ⁠
  • Terre Burton $380 
  • H.-J. Herrmann Stiftung 5,000€ (USD $5,298) ⁠
  • Portland Schools Parents’ School Fees contribution worth 12,000,000UGX ($3,158).

Total donation and contributions in the month of February  = Uganda Shillings 39,763,200 ($10,464).

There is a pending donation worth USD $5000 coming from Rich and Korinne Mander, which is their second donation towards the same project. This donation will mostly be utilized on the windows, doors and plumbing works in A-Level Science laboratory classroom, as soon as we receive it. 

Slab casting is happening this weekend and will be completed this coming week. This is how far this project has moved from February 1st!

The parents’ contributions in form of school fees are sourced from parents who independently enroll their children in Portland schools (Nursery, Primary and or High School). This collection normally covers feeding costs, schools staff salaries and other administrative expenses. We ended up channeling it in the Portland High School classroom construction project because of the urgency of these classrooms.

We are therefore requesting donations to cover up the schools expense gap of Uganda Shillings 12,000,000UGX (USD $3,158).

Solar power will be necessary once these classrooms are put to use. Amor village has no electricity. The entire school complex relies on solar power 100%. The quotation from the electrician for wiring and solar power supply for both ground floor and first floor is Uganda Shillings 17,880,000UGX (USD $4,705).

Donations are made through https://pce-foundation.org/donate; details of our fiscal sponsors and partners and instructions of how to donate are found within this page.

We will greatly appreciate every single donation coming through to help us raise Portland High School to a complete community school.

One last good news: 2023 National Examinations results were released within February;  Portland Primary school Primary Seven (P.7) and the High School Ordinary Level – Senior Four (O Level – S.4) emerged 13th out of 187 Primary schools who sat P.7 candidates in Tororo District and S.4 class (first attempt of the national exams) emerged the 12th out of 484 Secondary Schools in Tororo District. There has been continued jubilation in Portland Schools since then and everyone is working so hard for even better grades in 2024 right from the cleaners, cooks to the schools’ top leadership.

PCE Foundation does more than supporting Portland schools; PCE Foundation’s focus is on capacity building in and for rural communities, especially the education and empowerment of women, girls and children.  Our organization’s emphasis is on community participation and leadership which helps community members work together, “own” the achievements facilitated by our programs, and sustain positive change. We are disability inclusive. 

Our Vision is to have empowered communities that can take charge of their own development. Our Mission is to enhance knowledge and skills within rural communities and to promote the exchange of information and best practices through education, mentorship, advocacy and strategic partnerships for social, cultural and economic development. 

We seek to break the cycle of poverty and empower communities to take charge of their own developments.

Sharing is caring, should you know anyone or a charity able to support this cause, we request you to share this update with them. For us at the Pearl Community Empowerment Foundation, we believe it takes the whole world to raise a community; you all have been are are part of every small and great thing happening in currently 32 villages – three districts of Uganda (Butaleja, Jinja and Tororo), 12 years down the road.

We are driven by passion; to be the change we would like to see in the world. The journey this far has been well traveled with our dedicated Supporters and Friends alongside the dedicated team of volunteers, staff and beneficiary communities.

Happy New Month of March!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Beatrice Nas Achieng